I started to read my favorite magazine this evening after dinner and was captured by an article indicating a very poor country, a country which had no land to shelter them, Palestine. They were in waiting for certainty to live. I looked at myself and whispered to the magazine saying how lucky I was.
If the Palestinian must wander from one land to the other to continue their lives, I was fortunate enough to move from one good house to a better house and then another better house. Palestinians had the least thing they could carry along during their wandering but I could carry as many I liked to the new house. The new house would give me another wonderful time to crave in memory but the Palestinians would probably forget where they had been yesterday. Day and night the Palestinians were hiding from bullets fire and death but I could do whatever I liked in any of my time of the day. Sometimes I forgot that I was lucky enough and then claimed too much more than what I needed. Please forgive me.
There were still many unfortunate people around the world, in my country, in town, and even in my neighborhood. There were many children crying because of hunger, many parents fight for a piece of bread and a lot of youths begging from the rich in their luxury cars. They were only a little glance of so many others that were not caught in the light of the day. What causes this poverty and who to blame? Is there any solution for fixing up this problem?
Poverty is everywhere in this world, even developing countries still have certain states that suffer from poverty. Poverty happens not totally because of the country’s poor land but more for the man resources. Japan has a limited natural sources but it can lead the technology development and compete in a highly prestigious international competition. India is one of the widest populated countries and has a large land but it is one of the poorest countries in the world. Thank goodness that mother Theresa from Calcuta successfully withdrew the international attention and sympathy to this very poor nation.