Monday, September 24, 2018

11 September 2018 Arrival in Heathrew Airport

11 September 2018 was a new beginning of all new stuff my family and I would do. Starting the flight from Kualanamu Indonesia, a five hour transit in Kualalumpur and finally got into Heathrew Airport after almost 13 hours in the sky with Malaysia Airlines.

We're so grateful that our little princess was that quiet during the flight for she could sleep 7 hours long during the night time of Indonesian time.The rest of the flight was not a trouble although our little princess was awake already because she really behaved nicely on the plane.

The very long trip became shorter when you're around your love ones, isn't it? That's exactly what I felt.

Landing at about 05:45 in the chill morning at Heathrew Airport was another quiet moment because there were only very few people. Luckily we could pass through the immigration check smoothly and without any troubles. My family and I could get out of the line earlier for they prioritize family first. So, it was smooth and nice.

The trip was then continued as we needed to call our taxi. We actually had ordered the taxi, like two weeks before by online order. It was an express taxi. I admitted it was very expensive but considering our condition, it was worth it. We brought 3 big luggage and 2 cabin luggage and 1 backpack. So, we're already crowded with luggage I thought. So, after we got out of the immigration check, I managed to find the 'costa' where the meeting point was about for the driver to pick us up.

Anyway, I was wondered because there was no luggage check. Actually it was because we didn't have anything to declare. But, that was really smooth, I almost couldn't believe it because I still remembered when I was firstly traveled to  UK in 2013, they did random check and my luggage was one of those which was checked.

Well, I saw a store and decided to buy a simcard. The easiest in my thought that time was the one I ever used, so I bought Lebara Simcard. It was expensive though, but I just stick to what I was familiar with. So, I bought it for 20 pounds and got only 1 GB of internet access. It was very useful that time because I could make a phone call to the driver and he turned up immediately and picked us up.

The driver was an Indian man and he was quiet. We didn't talk much and he was also talking on the phone during the trip from Heathrew to Bristol. I didn't mind at all because I was not in mood for talking. Plus, I thought it would be hard talking to him as our accents were both different.

We arrived really early in Bristol city. The driver dropped us right in front of our rental flat. It was Hathaway House, in Dove Street South. The driver made sure it was the right address and I assured him that it was. So the driver left and we're left outside the flat.

I knew we're early because I could only call Bristol SU Lettings at 09:30 and asked for the flat keys to be given to me. I made a deal that they came to the flat to bring me the keys because I told them it was hard for me to get the keys to the office. Thanks God, they were good people and dropped the keys to the flat.

We're almost frozen outside if not a young good man saw us from inside and let us in. I told him we're the new tenants for flat no.20 and we're early and hadn't got our keys. He let us in into the common room. There we stayed and got some rest for more than half an hour. At 09:30 I called Bristol SU Lettings office and asked them to drop me the keys.

Thanks God, again, everything ran smoothly, George came and game us the key to the flat. He was very quick and just left after a very brief explanation. I actually thanked him a lot for his very kind help to bring me the key.

That was the early day of our life in Bristol.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Well well here the Queen: Julia Gillard remains Prime Minister of Australia

See! Julia Gillard has finnaly won the election. She remains the Prime Minister of Australia for the coming three years after gaining support from two of the Independent leaders: Oakeshot and Windsor.
Well, well, my guess was right and kind of a pity that it was right.
Julia Gillard doesn't believe in God, and she is not married but lives in with her partner. From a western cultural point of view, that might be normal things, but from an eastern point of view?
She might be a good person, but having no religion; having no belief in God, you may have your say.
This is quite disappointed but predictable as I knew that this could be the result. Well, well, we'll see how she maintains her power over the liberal coalition since there is very slight difference of seats number between them in which 76 seats for labor and 74 for liberal.
This is really politics world that implies thousands of meanings. Of you go.

New PM for Australia

Probably the new Prime Minister of Australia will be revealed today. After becoming a country in waiting since the PM election on 21 August 2010, today the result of the ballots plus the decision of the MP of the 3 independent parties might be announced.
It's kind of weird that these 3 independent parties leaders appear to be the most influential factors in deciding the top leader in Australia. Yet, the PM wouldn't be from any of the three but from the highest ballots' result collctors of last month election. The PM should be either Julia Gilard from the labor party or Tony Abbot from the opposition leader.
This would be interesting since either one seems to be of people's favorite. Each has her/his own downmarks. Well, let's make it even more interesting. Let's guess who might the chosen Prime Minister of Australia thi evening? Based on some reasons, such as who I prefer between the two for their past promises in their speech, from their persistence and strongwill in the previous debate, from the people's most favor leader I heard from news, from their observed character during the campaign period. I guess the one chosen to be the Prime Minister of Australia for now is Julia Gillard. Though I support none, but because Julia has a bad history of getting her position from Kevin Rudd by being disloyal, I would prefer Tony Abbot than her.
Well, whatever happen, let's see!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rindu tanah airku

Ternyata bosan juga berada di tanah rantau walau tanah rantau ini jauh lebih maju dari tanah airku. Aku sudah merindukan tanah airku, tanah kelahiranku. Aku sudah rindu kembali bersama keluarga, saudara, rekan, dan teman-temanku di Indonesia. Aku juga rindu dengan pekerjaanku. Kalau soal makanan, yang paling aku rindukan mungkin rasa andaliman, karena setiap masakan daging yang aku masak ditanah rantau ini rasanya hambar karena tidak ada andaliman.
Aku sudah mulai membiasakan diri dengan beberapa makanan dan minuman western people, tapi masalahnya aku tidak lama bertahan. Seleraku tidak bertahan lama dan aku pasti akan kembali makan nasi.
Tapi saat ini aku sedang sangat rindu, rindu, rindu, rindu sekali. Ingin pulang ke tanah airku. Ya Tuhan, kuatkan aku untuk bertahan sebentar lagi, menyelesaikan semua tugas dengan baik sehingga aku bisa pulang dengan baik pula dalam segala hal seturut dengan kehendakMu.
Aku rindu!

Spring na ngali

Ninna nunga spring di Melbourne on sian tgl.1 September, alai ngali dope arian nang borngin. Ai boama, sona naik suhu attong. Sai naik ma nyean suhu on di minggu na naing ro on. Ai nungga apala suntuk tumang huhilala marsiajar di musim na ngali on.

Jariku bongkak

Akibat membuka tirai jendela kamar dengan tidak hati-hati, jari tanganku dihantam frame besi jendela dengan keras. Akibatnya sekarang jariku bongkak dan pegal dan susah digerakkan. Wadow! hansit nai. Ai ma attong molo marangan-angan mangarejohon siulahon, las gabe bongkak ma.
Sudah aku urut dengan baby oil tapi bengkaknya belum berkurang. Padahal aku urutpun sudah dengan menahan rasa sakit. Semoga saja besok jariku bisa kembali normal. Agojo hansit nai na tarantuk on.

Life is only one possessions can be replaced

Australia dan New Zealand dilanda bencana pada hari yang hampir bersamaan. Karena hujan dan badai, beberapa wilayah Melbourne, seperti Ballarat dilanda banjir. Banyak rumah yang dilanda banjir sampai merusak aliran listrik, sehingga padamlah listrik di daerah banjir tersebut. Banyak juga wilayah yang masi dilanda banjir karena hujan yang lebat dua hari yang lalu.
Di New Zealand, terjadi gempa bumi yang keras sekitar 7 poin somehing dan hasilnya sangat parah. Banyak rumah yang roboh, bangunan hancur, jalan retak dan diperkirakan puluhan tahun untuk recovery. Sangat luar biasa parah gempa yang menghantam New Zealand tapi amazing bahwa tidak ada korban jiwa sama sekali. Beberapa penduduk mensyukuri tidak adanya korban jiwa akibat gempa yang memporak-porandakan New Zealand, Christchurh, namun masih ada juga penduduk yang mengatakan 'tidak ada yang bisa disyukuri atas peristiwa ini'
Namun ada sesuatu yang sangat menyentuh dari beberapa rentetan peristiwa dan wawancara di televisi setelah kedua bencana besar yakni banjir dan gempa ini. Ada seorang ibu yang diwawancarai mengatakan 'nyawa kita hanya satu sementara harta benda itu bisa diganti'.
Sungguh besarlah imannya disaat dia mengatakan itu karena menurutku dia mengatakan hal itu karena dia beriman. Dari sudut pandangku, menurutku dia sadar bahwa harta bukanlah segalanya sehingga dia masih bisa mensyukuri bahwa nyawanya masih bisa diselamatkan dari bencana itu.