Monday, September 6, 2010

Well well here the Queen: Julia Gillard remains Prime Minister of Australia

See! Julia Gillard has finnaly won the election. She remains the Prime Minister of Australia for the coming three years after gaining support from two of the Independent leaders: Oakeshot and Windsor.
Well, well, my guess was right and kind of a pity that it was right.
Julia Gillard doesn't believe in God, and she is not married but lives in with her partner. From a western cultural point of view, that might be normal things, but from an eastern point of view?
She might be a good person, but having no religion; having no belief in God, you may have your say.
This is quite disappointed but predictable as I knew that this could be the result. Well, well, we'll see how she maintains her power over the liberal coalition since there is very slight difference of seats number between them in which 76 seats for labor and 74 for liberal.
This is really politics world that implies thousands of meanings. Of you go.

New PM for Australia

Probably the new Prime Minister of Australia will be revealed today. After becoming a country in waiting since the PM election on 21 August 2010, today the result of the ballots plus the decision of the MP of the 3 independent parties might be announced.
It's kind of weird that these 3 independent parties leaders appear to be the most influential factors in deciding the top leader in Australia. Yet, the PM wouldn't be from any of the three but from the highest ballots' result collctors of last month election. The PM should be either Julia Gilard from the labor party or Tony Abbot from the opposition leader.
This would be interesting since either one seems to be of people's favorite. Each has her/his own downmarks. Well, let's make it even more interesting. Let's guess who might the chosen Prime Minister of Australia thi evening? Based on some reasons, such as who I prefer between the two for their past promises in their speech, from their persistence and strongwill in the previous debate, from the people's most favor leader I heard from news, from their observed character during the campaign period. I guess the one chosen to be the Prime Minister of Australia for now is Julia Gillard. Though I support none, but because Julia has a bad history of getting her position from Kevin Rudd by being disloyal, I would prefer Tony Abbot than her.
Well, whatever happen, let's see!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rindu tanah airku

Ternyata bosan juga berada di tanah rantau walau tanah rantau ini jauh lebih maju dari tanah airku. Aku sudah merindukan tanah airku, tanah kelahiranku. Aku sudah rindu kembali bersama keluarga, saudara, rekan, dan teman-temanku di Indonesia. Aku juga rindu dengan pekerjaanku. Kalau soal makanan, yang paling aku rindukan mungkin rasa andaliman, karena setiap masakan daging yang aku masak ditanah rantau ini rasanya hambar karena tidak ada andaliman.
Aku sudah mulai membiasakan diri dengan beberapa makanan dan minuman western people, tapi masalahnya aku tidak lama bertahan. Seleraku tidak bertahan lama dan aku pasti akan kembali makan nasi.
Tapi saat ini aku sedang sangat rindu, rindu, rindu, rindu sekali. Ingin pulang ke tanah airku. Ya Tuhan, kuatkan aku untuk bertahan sebentar lagi, menyelesaikan semua tugas dengan baik sehingga aku bisa pulang dengan baik pula dalam segala hal seturut dengan kehendakMu.
Aku rindu!

Spring na ngali

Ninna nunga spring di Melbourne on sian tgl.1 September, alai ngali dope arian nang borngin. Ai boama, sona naik suhu attong. Sai naik ma nyean suhu on di minggu na naing ro on. Ai nungga apala suntuk tumang huhilala marsiajar di musim na ngali on.

Jariku bongkak

Akibat membuka tirai jendela kamar dengan tidak hati-hati, jari tanganku dihantam frame besi jendela dengan keras. Akibatnya sekarang jariku bongkak dan pegal dan susah digerakkan. Wadow! hansit nai. Ai ma attong molo marangan-angan mangarejohon siulahon, las gabe bongkak ma.
Sudah aku urut dengan baby oil tapi bengkaknya belum berkurang. Padahal aku urutpun sudah dengan menahan rasa sakit. Semoga saja besok jariku bisa kembali normal. Agojo hansit nai na tarantuk on.

Life is only one possessions can be replaced

Australia dan New Zealand dilanda bencana pada hari yang hampir bersamaan. Karena hujan dan badai, beberapa wilayah Melbourne, seperti Ballarat dilanda banjir. Banyak rumah yang dilanda banjir sampai merusak aliran listrik, sehingga padamlah listrik di daerah banjir tersebut. Banyak juga wilayah yang masi dilanda banjir karena hujan yang lebat dua hari yang lalu.
Di New Zealand, terjadi gempa bumi yang keras sekitar 7 poin somehing dan hasilnya sangat parah. Banyak rumah yang roboh, bangunan hancur, jalan retak dan diperkirakan puluhan tahun untuk recovery. Sangat luar biasa parah gempa yang menghantam New Zealand tapi amazing bahwa tidak ada korban jiwa sama sekali. Beberapa penduduk mensyukuri tidak adanya korban jiwa akibat gempa yang memporak-porandakan New Zealand, Christchurh, namun masih ada juga penduduk yang mengatakan 'tidak ada yang bisa disyukuri atas peristiwa ini'
Namun ada sesuatu yang sangat menyentuh dari beberapa rentetan peristiwa dan wawancara di televisi setelah kedua bencana besar yakni banjir dan gempa ini. Ada seorang ibu yang diwawancarai mengatakan 'nyawa kita hanya satu sementara harta benda itu bisa diganti'.
Sungguh besarlah imannya disaat dia mengatakan itu karena menurutku dia mengatakan hal itu karena dia beriman. Dari sudut pandangku, menurutku dia sadar bahwa harta bukanlah segalanya sehingga dia masih bisa mensyukuri bahwa nyawanya masih bisa diselamatkan dari bencana itu.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Minute to win it new millionaire

Wow!Great Grand! welldone! You're really good and the best so far. Enjoy the victory of your millionaire time. Those are awesome for what you've done to win it. You deserve it. All the best with your future plan in spending your lots of money from minute to win it. Use it wisely and you'll be in wonderful life. I really enjoy watching the move you've made to kick all the games.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Smart lucky pilot

The pilot, Captain Brian Bews survived the fire blast jet and was treated in hospital in Alberta in Canada. That was a smart of Mr Bews to escaped before the jet sharply kissed the land. To be able to escape in that horrified situation should have required a lot of experiences for he was capable of acting before the explosion that could have killed him into ashes.
I was sorry for what happened to him as I read the news saying that he was an experienced pilot that has flew that aircraft for long. There should have been something wrong with the aircraft that was missed from the checking up before flying.
He excaped from the jet training show for the 2010 Alberta International Airshow, and now I wonder if he recover soon ,will he still be courageful enough to give it another shot? Will the show be cancelled? or a replacement be recommended instead?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New class tonight

I will have my other new class tonight, though I don't like evening classes but I have to go 'cos no other option for day class. Well this time I think I am chosing the courses based on my own interest and I do promise myself that this semester will be a lovely time. I love both courses I am taking this semester and really looking forward to adventure them.
Well, I jut hope that I can always remember my promising myself that way and may God bless me all times moreover in hard times. May His bless be always with me and I am worthy to be called his child. I love Thee.

I don't like when you question me like that

I don't like when you question me like that. You know what? I think you sometimes forget what is me for you though all times I have accepted you as part of me. So, I come to think that all this time I've been pretending to be part of you and worse, you have been pretending to accept that when your heart hasn't.
Thank you for reminding me again, though several times in the past, this kind of incident, though not similar, happened but you convinced me I was wrong and so I trusted you. But, I think this time is real, that you haven't accepted me as part of you by questioning me that way. You and me are two different things, right? We are different?
I am sorry for acting falsely along this time. You know what? Be as who you are as you are a free living creature and you have all the right for that. I am no body for you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Should English teachers use computer technology in teaching English?

I had graduated from a training college with very limited knowledge of using computer technology to teach English. With my very limited computer literacy, I was very unbenefitted to teach in an IT Diploma college. I was lucky that I was given a few months training to at least make a power point to teach English in the classroom.

In the beginning it was hard to get adapted but luckily with time went by I gained experiences and knowledge from keep practising.

Nowadays, there are a vast development in computer technology that are very helpful for every kind of learning. A great number of online learning sources, lots of software, and the technology even make possible a distance learning.

As an English teacher, at the beginning I can only use the microsoft office for my teaching purpose, which is power point that will make learning more efficient and interesting. And then.... more stuff I can explore and use for the benefit of my teaching. But this will be told in other time....till then.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Stay Down

I was shocked to hear the scream 'stay down' and a rush of people running chasing somebody I couldn't see clearly. I was out from the exit door of a super market after my afternoon shopping. I stopped my step and retrieved a few steps back. Then, I tried to find where the voice came from. In a click, my eyes captured a man being strangled by two men on the ground. I looked at people around and tried to examine if that was safe enough to get closer because I had to pass them to get to the road where I was heading home.
I tried to see the parking cars if there were any police officers, and I could see none. I thought that must be not safe enough, yet. Then I looked at people crossing as they finished shopping too. I looked at the road and saw a motorcycle was standing in the middle of the road with none on it. I assumed that must have something to do with this short chaos I heard.
I didn't want to see that scene from a short distance so when I looked at more and more people passing, I walked fast to the end of the road. From a quite distance, I could see that the man that was strangled on the ground was wearing a motorcycle's costume with a backpack on his back, and a helmet on the ground. I thought he must be the rider of the motorcyle on the road. I didn't spend long on the scene as I didn't want to be involved for any circumstances on this strange scene. I heard enough of bad things happened on the road everyday from the news and went away was the best thing I could do. So I left and felt a little bit terrified. That was so real that it might be a crime or something that could harm other people's life.
What a day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

30 Juni 2010

Hari ini adalah tgl. 30 Juni dan merupakan hari terakhir untuk bulan Juni 2010. Apakah yang istimewa pada hari ini? Hemmmmm, sebenarnya banyak juga kalau dihitung-hitung dan kalau diadakan penelusuran ke dalam sejarah.
Namun, yang paling istimewa hari ini adalah karena hari ini dalah hari ulang tahun salah satu saudariku. Saudariku yang selalu berdoa untukku. Kini saatnya aku berdoa buatnya. Semoga dia senantiasa diberkati Tuhan dalam segala pekerjaan dan pengabdiannya untuk kemulian Tuhan.
Well, there is actually another event in this 30 June which is and should be the latest day for the big sale of end of financial year in Australia, and Melbourne in particular, where I am now living. So, what's next? I think I am gonna move around the shops and have a look at the cheapest price ever. Should there's something interesting and cheap, I might consider to buy it. Hemmm... Let's see what happen after I return, and this journey will start very soon....

Mother's love

What is this? This is a picture of a mother holding her baby. This picture expresses the mother's love. A mother who will always be holding her children in whatever conditions and whom the children can rely on in whatever conditions.

Mother's love is neverending and unconditionable. A mother will do whatever possible even impossible thing to her children's happiness.

This reminds me of the song 'mother how are you today'.

Yes, mother how are you today? I hope everything is find around you. Pray that you are always healthy and happy and blessed. Pray that I can make you proud of me, one of your children that you raise with love and faith. Mother, I miss you that I dream about you often. Mother, I love you.

I am sorry if I haven't made something that can pay for your hardwork raising and loving me along this time. But, believe me I will never be able to repay you for what you've done and given me. Therefore, I will always pray that God will always answer your prayer, for at least I can be happy when you are happy when your prayer is approved by the Father Almighty.

I will be back soon and will be around you again. Be happy that I am always healthy and happy for His love and guidance are always with me. Thank you that you raise me with faith and bring me all the time in believing Him. He is really good for He is always around me.

God bless you my dear mother.

Yesus Sahabatku

Yesus adalah sahabatku karena Dia setia padaku, dalam suka dan duka dalam bimbang dan ragu hatiku.
Setiap kali aku jatuh, Dia tidak meninggalkanku tetapi mengulurkan tanganNya dan membantuku untuk berjalan kembali.
Sungguh luar biasa kesabarannya akan sifatku yang kadang menjengkelkan. Sungguh luar biasa kelembutan hatinya akan kebodohanku yang kadang mengesalkan hatiNya.
Aku bukanlah pelukis dan bukan pula seoarang artis pun puitis. Namun, aku berusaha melukis wajahnya yang selalu ada di dalam hatiku. Namun, lukisanku ini tidaklah sempurna malah jauh dari mirip. Namun, hatiku berkata, walau tanganku ini tak sanggup melukis wajahNya yang sempurna namun, hatiku tetap mengenalNya Yesus yang sempurna.
Aku mengasihiMu Yesus, sahabatku yang setia, yang selalu ada bersamaku dikala aku ketakutan dalam hidup pun mimpiku. Terimakasih Yesus. Aku bahagia dan bersyukur karena seluruh berkat dan pengasihanMu. Terimakasih Yesusku.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Musim dingin

Musim dingin adalah musim yang sangat aku tidak suka karena aku tidak suka dingin. Aku tidak suka dingin karena tubuhku tidak bersahabat dengan dingin. (:

Musim dingin ini membuat aku berpikir beberapa kali untuk keluar rumah dan melakukan aktivitas luar.

Mudah-mudahan kali ini, aku tidak akan terkena cold sore.

Oh musim dingin, aku tidak bisa menghindarimu tapi harus menghadapimu. Tapi tolonglah sedikit berbelas kasih sehingga kau tidak perlu terlalu dingin setiap saat dalam sehari. Can you? (:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mimpi itu lagi

Aku merasakan sebuah kekuatan gaib yang hendak memasuki tubuhku. Aku menolaknya sekuat tenaga dan aku genggam rosario di tangan kananku. Aku mengucapkan doa aku percaya dengan tertatih-tatih karena ada sebuah kekuatan yang sangat kuat yang seakan menekan dadaku dan mulutku dan seluruh tubuhku seakan diikat kuat sehingga aku harus berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mendaraskan doa itu.
Seluruh keluarga sudah duduk membentuk lingkaran, berkumpul dan berdoa bersama. Namun, sosok yang aku ingat kuat berdoa disampingku adalah kakakku, seorang biarawati yang aku kagumi.
Aku hampir tidak sanggup lagi untuk mengucapkan tiga doa salam kepada bunda maria karena aku sangat lemah. Aku merasakan kekuatan yang sangat kuat hendak memasuki tubuhku. Aku berjuang dan berjuang untuk menolaknya. Aku tidak sanggup untuk mengucapkan doa salam maria, aku hanya sanggup mengucapkan 'aku percaya akan Allah...', dan itupun dengan tertatih-tatih. Aku mengulang kata-kata itu karena hanya itu yang aku sanggup ucapkan.
Seakan seluruh tubuhku sudah lumpuh dan aku tidak sanggup lagi untuk mengatakan apapun. Tapi aku tidak mau menyerah, aku genggam rosario di tanganku dengan sangat erat, sekuat tenaga aku menggenggamnya terutama salib Yesus yang aku percaya sebagai sumber kekuatanku. Aku genggam erat dan berteriak, untuk mengucapkan doa 'aku percaya'. Sekuat tenaga aku berteriak dan akhirnya kekuatan gaib yang hendak memasuki tubuhku itu hilang.
Aku terbangun dan aku masih susah bernafas. Mimpi itu datang lagi. Mimpi yang mirip pernah aku alami beberapa kali di masa lampau. Namun, mimpi itu datang lagi saat ini dan aku khawatir apa gerangan arti mimpi itu saat ini. Mimpi yang sama, dan kekuatan gaib yang sama, dan selalu aku terlepas dengan mengandalkan rosario. Dalam mimpiku. aku selalu melawan kekuatan gaib itu dengan berdoa, walau sangat-sangat susah.
Suatu waktu, aku pernah mengalami mimpi yang sama dengan tekanan yang lebih besar. Dalam mimpiku aku teringat akan rosario yang selalu aku letakkan dekat dengan kepalaku kalau aku tidur. Disaat aku tidak mampu lagi, dan aku sangat lemah sehingga tidak bisa mengucapkan doa apapun, aku ambil rosario itu dan melingkarkannya di leherku.
Sungguh mimpi itu sepertinya nyata, karena ketika aku bangun di pagi harinya, rosario yang aku tempatkan di sisi kepalaku sebelum tidur sudah melingkar di leherku. Aku tidak teringat aku terbangun untuk melingkarkannya di leherku, yang aku ingat adalah, aku mengalami mimpi buruk dan ketika aku sudah tidak kuat lagi, aku melingkarkan rosario itu di leherku dan itu adalah bagian dari mimpi, bukan alam bangunku.
Aku tidak ingin mimpi ini, aku ingin lepas dari mimpi ini. Aku tidak mau mimpi itu lagi. Ya Bapa, tolonglah hambamu yang lemah ini selalu. Amin.

Akhirnya avocadoku

Sudah sejak aku menginjakkan kaki di Melbourne ini, aku sangat benci dengan avocado setempat. Mengapa? karena setiap aku beli avocado pasti, berserat kalau aku makan daging buahnya. Aku suka makan avocado tampa di blender, aku suka memakan daging buahnya langsung. Tentu saja aku akan memilih avocado yang sudah matang dan memakannya dengan memberi sedikit gula pasir. Lezatnya luar biasa, yummy. he he he

Tapi sayangnya selalunya avocado yang pernah aku makan itu berserat, no matter bagaimana bentuknya, either lonjong atau bulat, though aku prefer yang lonjong, karena daging buahnya lebih banyak, I think.

Tapi penilaianku dan kebencianku pada avocado setempat sudah berubah. Mengapa? karena aku menemukan aavocado yang perfect, tidak berserat dan very very yummy. Aku tidak tahu apakah ini hanya satu dalam seribu or what, tapi aku sangat senang karena aku akhirnya bisa menikmati avocado tampa mengutuk2, he he he

Mudah-mudahan next time, aku dapat membeli avocado jenis yang sama karena aku suka avocado walaupun harganya sangat mahal di Melbourne ini. Jika dikota kelahiranku harganya hanya Rp.4000 per kg, di Melbourne ini, harganya $1-2 per buah. Can you imagine?

Well, actually, negaraku adalah negara yang kaya akan sumber alam, sayur dan buah-buahan. Aku jadi rindu makan buah dan sayur dari negaraku, selain bagus-bagus dan segar, semuanya dapat dibeli dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dari di Melbourne ini.

I wonder, maybe aku akan menanam buah dan sayur nanti untuk keperluan pribadi, andaikan aku bisa punya lahan kecil, dan kalaupun tidak ada lahan, mungkin aku bisa memanfaatkan pot dan plastik. comes to my mind now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I miss Pope John II

Maybe it sounds strange that I miss someone I never meet in person. But that feeling is real. My idol was and is Pope John II and I miss him much today. Then I search for his picture on the internet and I find this one.

It's quite comforting that I can find this picture and I can feel that I meet him again; though I never meet him before. But looking at his picture, it is as if I am meeting him. Quite strange, again!

I ever planned to make a travel to Rome to meet him. Though I knew that it was very impossible to meet him though I could reach Rome. That time I was so sure that I could meet him before he died. But it remained a dream for he was dead and mightbe I could never collected enough money to go to Rome.

What was my plan if I could meet him? nothing, I just wanted to meet him, sake his hand, and maybe ask for his bless. I just wanted to meet him. Anyway, that was what I intended long time ago.

However, the country I dream to visit is still Rome. I wish I could one day go to Rome and maybe I can still meet him though only his tomb.

I know this is quite strange and maybe not proper. But it is what I feel.

Kevin Rudd

Kevin Rudd's position as Australia's President has been replaced by Julia Gillard. It was a sudden that the change took place. As I thought of what might happened behind the scene last Wednesday night when the parliament was announced to do the election, I imagined it could be a very dreadful night for him.
My mind travelled to my country's history when Soekarno was to be replaced by Soeharto. It might a little bit the same story.
I like Kevin Rudd, I think he is a good man. I adore his charming leadership and his cute smile, baby face, and good leadership for he cared for his fellow citizens. I still remember his effort to heal the suffer of those people who had been forgotten for long in the society by officially asking for forgiveness on the sake of the previous government; the forgotten generation.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia New Prime Minister

Julia Gillard has just been sworn as the Prime Minister of Australia by the Parliament. The ballot was done at 9am this morning.
I was not actually shocked by the ballot decision but what I didn't like was that she was kind of pretending of not wanting the position along this time.
Well, it is amazing from gender point of view that Julia Gillard becomes the first female Prime Minister in Australia.
I didn't really follow her working for she was only the deputy Prime Minister. Yet, I hope she could continue the good work of the first Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.
Actually I prefer Kevin Rudd and I like him. He has the charisma, leadership, wisdom, kindness, and intelligent. Hope he will be cheered up by looking at what he has done satisfactorily in the past.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Perang Afganistan menyita korban

Perang di Afganistan menyita banyak korban. Pada kesempatan ini aku melirik ke korban di pihak Australia. Belum sembuh luka di hati rakyat terutama keluarga tiga tentara yang tewas karena gencatan senjata di Afganistan, kini tiga orang lagi tewas akibat 'plane crash' di negara perang itu. Sungguh ironis karena dari 10 tentara yang berada di dalam pesawat tersebut, semuanya tidak lepas dari bencana. Malang bagi tiga tentara yang tewas di tempat, namun masih ada 3 orang lain yang luka parah dengan kondisi yang sangat mencemaskan sementara sisanya luka ringan.
Pemungutan suara telah dilakukan via television channel di Australia untuk mengumpulkan suara apakah pemerintah seharusnya menarik pasukan Australia dari Afganistan atau tidak. Sampai saat ini, sudah 70 persen dari pemberi suara mengatakan untuk menarik pasukan dari lokasi perang. Namun, berita terakhir dari pemerintah mengatakan bahwa pemerintah tidak akan menarik pasukan Australia dari Afganistan walaupun sudah ada 6 tentara yang meninggal dalam waktu yang sangat dekat ini.
Pemerintah mengatakan bahwa hal ini tidak seharusnya melembekkan semangat Australia untuk tetap berjuang bersama pasukan Amerika karena Australia adalah sekutu Amerika dalam mempertahankan atau memperjuangkan perdamaian dan melawan teroris.
Sungguh sangat menyedihkan karena disaat kita sedang santai bersama teman, saudara, atau keluarga, kita bisa menikmati hidup dengan teman dengan menonton, berbelanja, rekreasi, dll, tapi di waktu yang sama di tempat yang berbeda ada banyak manusia yang menjadi korban perang. Sungguh ironis.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kiat berbelanja murah

Mungkin sangat munafik kalau orang mengatakan ada kiat berbelanja murah karena yang namanya berbelanja pastilah menghabiskan duit. Dan sebenarnya untuk bisa hemat itu yah dengan tidak berbelanja. Selama berada di Melbourne, aku perhatikan banyak orang yang suka berbelanja kalau lagi ada sale. Menurut penilaianku, mereka berbelanja bukan karena mereka membutuhkan barang tersebut tetapi karena lagi sale. Jadi, itu sama saja dengan menghabiskan uang toh?
Nah, bagaimana sebenarnya kiat berbelanja murah yang aku sarankan itu? Nah, sebenarnya harus diawali dengan perlunya barang yang kita ingin beli. Jadi, kalau kita memang sudah butuh sesuatu, baru kita memasuki langkah berikutnya yaitu, menentukan strategi berbelanja murah. Ada 2 cara untuk ini: dengan mengunjungi toko dan browse internet. Misalnya kalau butuh membeli sebuah printer. Anda bisa pergi ke beberapa toko atau dengan menelusuri laman web toko-toko yang anda ingin kunjungi tersebut. Cara kedua ini tentu sangat efisien. Setelah membanding2-bandingkan harga, barulah anda memutuskan untuk pergi ke sebuah toko yang harganya lebih murah. Hal ini benar2 terjadi, dimana dengan benda yang sama, toko yang berbeda memberikan harga yang berbeda pula.
Belanja yang paling seru memang apabila kita sedang hunting barang di musim sale, terutama saat ini dimusim end of financial year. Di Melbourne ini musim end of financial year adalah bulan Juni dan khususnya menguntungkan jika berbelanja barang-barang elektronik. Musim sale besar-besaran lainnya adalah di akhir tahun, yakni bulan Desember, tetapi terutama untuk pakaian.
Tetapi ada hal yang menarik yang aku temukan selama hunting laptop di bulan Juni ini. Kebetulan Laptopku rusak dan aku butuh membeli yang baru. Maka aku mengadakan pencarian laptop melalui internet. Aku menelusuri website beberapa toko yang ada di sekitarku kemudian aku pergi ke toko-toko tersebut. Setelah yakin akan apa yang aku mau beli, aku pergi ke toko yang aku maksud. Namun, tidak selamanya pilihan yang aku telah tentukan dari searching internet akan menjadi keputusan akhir karena pikiranku berubah setelah sampai di toko. Mengapa? karena ternyata ada laptop lain yang lebih bagus dan lumayan murah yang di jual di toko tidak ada dalam catalogue yang aku lihat di internet. Kemudian, lebih menarik lagi ada barang yang harganya jauh lebih murah dari yang ada di catalogue. Hal ini terjadi, karena mereka mau clean stock.
Setelah aku pikir-pikir ternyata ada baiknya juga mencari2 dengan langsung ke toko, namun dengan terlebih dahulu mencari di websitenya. Hal ini tentu saja membantu karena kalau kita belum tau sebelumnya harga barang tersebut dari internet, manalah kita tahu bahwa harga display yang di toko itu sudah lebih murah.
Anyway, yang paling penting adalah jangan sampai berbelanja habis-habisan dan tidak punya sisa uang untuk hidup bulan ini. Itulah nasib anak kost! he he
Lebih baik menabung daripada menghabiskan uang untuk kepuasan sendiri saat ini. Walau aku adalah jenis orang yang suka memberi penghargaan kepada diri sendiri kalau sudah mencapai sebuah prestasi tertentu. Namun, aku masih memperkirakan budget dengan bijaksana sehingga aku masih bisa menabung. Menabung bukan berarti untuk masa yang jauh di hadapan tetapi untuk hal-hal yang tidak dapat kita elakkan atau tidak kita rencanakan. Sama seperti aku saat ini harus membeli laptop baru karena laptopku rusak.

Aku tidak merencanakan laptopku rusak, tapi hal ini terjadi diluar keinginanku. Dan aku telah berusaha dengan alternatif memperbaikinya ke reparasi. Alhasil, uangku lenyap AUD 400 sia-sia dan laptopku masih rusak. Akhirnya, aku memutuskan untuk membeli laptop baru karena kebetulan lagi musim sale besar-besaran, yakni end of financial year. Dan aku tidak berpikir untuk membuang laptop lamaku tetapi masih akan menjaganya menunggu waktunya aku akan memperbaikinya di tanah air.


Di borgin na salpu arop do rahanghu asa las ari na naeng ro. Alai dungo ma au ditibu ni ari alani ngalina. Dang na alani na so marsalimut au manang na mate 'heater' hu alai alani alogo na mangullus manusuk tu holi-holi sian janjela ni kamarhu. Ago poang, ninna rohanghu.
Tardungo muse au dang pola leleng alani wekker ni 'handphone' hu. Dungo do nyean au alai holan na naeng pamatehon alarm i. Hupamenak dope matahu las tarpodom ma muse au. Ai ngali hian do attong. Ai on ma tantangan naum balga di musim dingin di tano si bottar mata on. Ngali nai poang!

Karena Cinta???

Patrick yang telah mengingat kembali kehidupannya yang lalu setelah beberapa tahun kehilangan ingatan itu kembali ke kampung halamannya untuk menemui keluarga dan kekasihnya. Namun, diluar dugaan semuanya telah berubah. Ibunya telah memberikan kamarnya kepada anjing peliharaan dan kekasihnya telah bersama pria lain. Anne, kekasih Patrick telah lama menderita karena kehilangan Patrick dan diperlakukan kurang baik karena Patrick saat itu sama sekali tidak mengenalnya lagi kini telah memiliki Evan.

Tampa diduga, Patrick menemukan Anne bersama Evan dikamarnya tampa busana. Jelas sudah bahwa mereka telah jauh melangkah dalam menjalani hubungan. Patrick sangat kecewa dan pergi meninggalkan kamar Anne. Namun, hati Patrick sangat sedih dan menyadari bahwa kelakuan Anne dapat diterima karena dulu dia memperlakukan Anne sangat tidak baik dan bahkan Patrick telah menghilang dari hidup Anne dalam beberapa tahun tampa berita.

Anne yang masih memiliki sedikit perasaan tersisa terhadap Patrick pergi menemui Patrick untuk menjelaskan duduk perkara yang sebenarnya. Betapa Anne ingin mengatakan bahwa dia telah menanti terlalu lama untuk kepulangan Patrick dan dalam masa itu Evan tidak pernah berhenti memberinya perhatian dan pertolongan dalam masa-masa keputus asaaanya. Patrick tidak peduli apapun yang Anne ingin sampaikan dan mengatakan bahwa dia tetap mencintai Anne dan ingin kembali kedalam hidup Anne.

Namun sayang Anne telah jatuh hati kepada Evan dan ingin melanjutkan hubungannya dengan Evan. Anne minta maaf dan berlalu dari hadapan Patrick. Patrick sangat kecewa dan hampir putus asa sampai dia mendengar nasehat ibunya untuk 'melakukan sesuatu' kalau memang dia ingin melanjutkan hidupnya, bukan putus asa dan 'tidak melakukan apapun'.

Patrick menemui Evan dan menyuruhnya menjauhi Anne. Namun Evan juga sudah mencintai Anne dan tidak ingin meninggalkan Anne. Evan mengingatkan Patrick bahwa dulu dia pernah menyuruh Evan untuk mengambil saja Anne disaat dia kehilangan ingatannya. Patrick merasa hal itu tidak adil karena saat itu dia sedang kehilangan ingatannya dan langsung melayangkan tinjunya kemuka Evan. Evan dengan sigap menangkis tinjunya Patrick dan Patrick melanting membentur tembok. Perkelahian mereka hanya sepihak karena Evan tidak membalas satupun dari serangan Patrick tapi mengelak. Kejadian itu akhirnya disaksikan oleh penduduk termasuk Anne sendiri.

Karena malu dan merasa tidak layak bertempur dengan Evan, akhirnya Patrick meninggalkan tempat perkelahian. Anne merasa kasihan karena Patrick sedikit terluka. Namun saat ini Anne sudah berada dalam posisi serba salah karena dia sudah menjadi kekasih Evan.

Keesokan harinya Anne berangkat ke kantornya untuk memulai hari kerjanya seperti biasa. Anne terkejut saat memasuki kantornya karena seluruh ruangan dipenuhi dengan bunga-bunga indah. Di salah satu vas bunga yang diletak di atas mejanya, Anne membaca secarik kartu bertuliskan: 'Aku akan memenangkanmu kembali, Kekasihmu, Patrick'.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Sejujurnya aku tak jujur
walau aku ingin jujur
tapi mengapa harus jujur
kalau jujur tak berarti

Tiap hari kuberkata
ada apa dengan diriku
mengapa aku benci
mengapa aku cinta

kala mentari bersinar lagi
menerpa angan dan rasa
setiap kata setiap rasa
mencari makna tak perna puna

kejujuran oh kejujuran
setiap waktu diperlukan
tapi kadang tak terkatakan
karena kondisi tak memungkinkan

(wakakakakak..... ini puisi tercipta sesaat saja saat stress melanda...big applause please)

he he he

Bingung au

Judul on dang adong hubunganna tu lagu ni Jon aliaman na mandok bingung ibana alana adong dua halletna. Alai dison au bingung taringot tu parsingkolaanku. Ai saminggu nai nama ingkon tuntas do tugas proposal skripsi alai mardua-dua do rohangku naeng mangarejohon i.
Ai aha ma tahe dohononku, alani sude on marasar tu sada hadangolan do. Adong ma dosenhu na tung mansai 'strick' ninna di bahasa inggris. Ai na toho hian ma au tingki i paserius hu mangarejohon tugas hi jala lupa ma au manghatai dohot dongan. Ai hu solsoli do di pudi ni ari boasa au pa jujur hu mambahen ibana dosen pamariksa tugashu alani sai saluhutdo donganhu manurat goar dosen na asing mamareksa tugasna be. 'Sial nai poang' inna rohangku do.
Alani i gabe roa ma dapothu nilai sian ibana jala ima bingkasna mambaen au 'down' jala manadinghon sude karejohu taringot tu proposal skripsihu.
Saonari adong do tutor hu mandok asa hupasidung proposal hi alani boi do au maju molo holan alani tugas na sambing i. Alai na maolan huhilala 'move on' molo ninna si bontar mata. Ai mardua-dua do rohanghu saonari las mambahen au bingung. Ai tumagonan do huhilala manjaha novel sian manjaha proposal hi muse. Ai boa nama on? saminggu nai nama.
Hutorushon do manang dang? boa nama on?

The Pearl Hunter by Kim Wilkins 2008

The story of 'the Pearl Hunter' is so amazing and touching. So much of natural beauty exposures and cultural differences' disputes. The sun set, the stormy seas, the waves, the trees, islands, ships, rocks, and mighty pearl that are all around make it more fascinating.

Yet, the various characteristics presented are well presented; how two frank opposite characters are contrasted. How dignity and propriety are considered highly possessed by the upper-class people. How the low class people would always be treated low and made to suffer all mistakes and be blamed for anything. This was a natural law of the cruel life back then.

How rich people raise their daughters to meet socially high status and be made to marry young rich men for social status. Yet, the daughters seem to understand the meaning of social life better than their parents for they love the men of their hearts not for their richness and status but gentleness and kindness. This drives their parents mad and furiuos.

Constance is a sample of a wise and knowledgeable daughter of a ship captain but fail to think of social status above all as her father demands of her. She preferes loving a man of simple and tender and wise and on her father service than loving a rich man. Constance love Alexander who she first saves on his way to find protection from his first employer. In return Alexander who fristly meets Constance on her kindness saving him and taking him aboard has ever since has a strong loving feeling to her.

Life was hard for Alexander but his meeting Constance brought him a precious life. Moreover since Constance loves him despite his no posession of wealth. Their love grew stronger despite the uncertain future of their love they know very well. Lucky that Constance has a stone heart that she quite inherited from her father that she could always ensure her father that she was doing the right and justice things.

Being in several adventures together, Constance and Alexander were tightly bound with a tender love. And the wise Alexander was very responsibel of whatever he did and made Constance's father's stoney heart melted to give him a chance to love his daughter.

It was a happy ending that Constance's father finally approved their love and gave them support for future marriage. What a lovely story of almost the picture of a true life. I like reading the plots of this novel and very interested in the stories. The way the mystery solved, the way the problems presented and solved, the way the love grows are all awesome. Well done KIm Wilkins! What a great novel!

Monday, May 3, 2010

This is a different Scott

I wouldn't have thought of that if not wondering around his name. During the class I didn't realize that he was the Scott for our module two lecture. I was still expecting the Scott from our first module. what a mess my mind was!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quite a course!

I was glad that I read some of the required reading materials for today's course. I found this unit course interesting as well as very useful. I wrote down on my profile sheet that I would like at the end to be able to create a good worth implementing curriculum. I did mean it.

My lecturer was very kind and clever. He was good at explaining the lecture and patient enough to listen to students' views and comments. He didn't claim students wrong instead encouraged them to freely express their thoughts. I noticed that my lecturer was well prepared and much better from my previous ones, yet this was still the first meeting and probably it was too early to judge.

Overall, during the class, I was happy and could follow the flow well.

till next time

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wanna be the biggest loser?

What an interesting title when I saw the tv ad 'big loser.' I firstly wondered what that would mean? Had people already lost their mind of competing to be losers than winners instead? What on earth did it mean?

Finally, I watched the series and felt more to sympathetic than confused. Good for them who keenly tried to be the biggest losers, 'go on' I whispered almost to myself.

There were some couples of very fat people competed to lose fat or more appropriately to gain ideal weight. They did sacrificed many things from time, hobbies, habits, appetites, and so many other things I might couldn't imagine at the moment.

Congratulation for those who finally or could I say half the program, had lost up to 42 kg of their fat. (:

So, do you wanna be a big loser???

First day of first lecture

It's not exactly what I expected before attending the lecture, but to be honest it was awful and I was a bit lost during the lecture. I already read one very important article for today's lecture, the lecture slides and some hints from the unit guide, but from what I understood, it was a confusing lecture. I sometimes lost listening to the speakers' accent and words, most probably because they spoke real fast with some very often new vocabularies.

I could hardly understand the talk' ideas of the three workshop speakers, and I couldn't judge whether other students experienced the same as me, I kept silent. After an hour workshop, we proceeded to the lecturing room and were divided into three groups with different particular lecturers. It was obvious that the three group lectures were all about research, yet with their own very specific study. In my case, I chose the reading, interpreting and communicating research instead either t the qualitative or quantitative ones.

Time went so fast and the first confusing lecture finished earlier thirty minutes from the allocated time. It was quite benefited me because I could rush home for dinner and avoided getting home dark. Luckily, this autumn the sun really set around nine pm. The class dismissed after my lecturer, Mrs. Mary Lou gave tasks to do for the following meeting.

Though my first day lecture was not at all amazing but confusing, I could say it was because it was the starting point for more confusing lectures to come. So, I better keep myself aware and be ready for the coming lectures. I still remember filling the form my lecturer gave the class with a commitment to study more diligently and read a lot. I'd like to commit on doing that, I do hope and will really try.