Friday, June 25, 2010

Kevin Rudd

Kevin Rudd's position as Australia's President has been replaced by Julia Gillard. It was a sudden that the change took place. As I thought of what might happened behind the scene last Wednesday night when the parliament was announced to do the election, I imagined it could be a very dreadful night for him.
My mind travelled to my country's history when Soekarno was to be replaced by Soeharto. It might a little bit the same story.
I like Kevin Rudd, I think he is a good man. I adore his charming leadership and his cute smile, baby face, and good leadership for he cared for his fellow citizens. I still remember his effort to heal the suffer of those people who had been forgotten for long in the society by officially asking for forgiveness on the sake of the previous government; the forgotten generation.

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