Monday, July 19, 2010

Should English teachers use computer technology in teaching English?

I had graduated from a training college with very limited knowledge of using computer technology to teach English. With my very limited computer literacy, I was very unbenefitted to teach in an IT Diploma college. I was lucky that I was given a few months training to at least make a power point to teach English in the classroom.

In the beginning it was hard to get adapted but luckily with time went by I gained experiences and knowledge from keep practising.

Nowadays, there are a vast development in computer technology that are very helpful for every kind of learning. A great number of online learning sources, lots of software, and the technology even make possible a distance learning.

As an English teacher, at the beginning I can only use the microsoft office for my teaching purpose, which is power point that will make learning more efficient and interesting. And then.... more stuff I can explore and use for the benefit of my teaching. But this will be told in other time....till then.

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