Monday, September 6, 2010
Well well here the Queen: Julia Gillard remains Prime Minister of Australia
New PM for Australia
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Rindu tanah airku
Spring na ngali
Jariku bongkak
Life is only one possessions can be replaced
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Minute to win it new millionaire
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Smart lucky pilot
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
New class tonight
I don't like when you question me like that
Monday, July 19, 2010
Should English teachers use computer technology in teaching English?
In the beginning it was hard to get adapted but luckily with time went by I gained experiences and knowledge from keep practising.
Nowadays, there are a vast development in computer technology that are very helpful for every kind of learning. A great number of online learning sources, lots of software, and the technology even make possible a distance learning.
As an English teacher, at the beginning I can only use the microsoft office for my teaching purpose, which is power point that will make learning more efficient and interesting. And then.... more stuff I can explore and use for the benefit of my teaching. But this will be told in other time....till then.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Stay Down
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
30 Juni 2010
Mother's love
Mother's love is neverending and unconditionable. A mother will do whatever possible even impossible thing to her children's happiness.
This reminds me of the song 'mother how are you today'.
Yes, mother how are you today? I hope everything is find around you. Pray that you are always healthy and happy and blessed. Pray that I can make you proud of me, one of your children that you raise with love and faith. Mother, I miss you that I dream about you often. Mother, I love you.
I am sorry if I haven't made something that can pay for your hardwork raising and loving me along this time. But, believe me I will never be able to repay you for what you've done and given me. Therefore, I will always pray that God will always answer your prayer, for at least I can be happy when you are happy when your prayer is approved by the Father Almighty.
I will be back soon and will be around you again. Be happy that I am always healthy and happy for His love and guidance are always with me. Thank you that you raise me with faith and bring me all the time in believing Him. He is really good for He is always around me.
God bless you my dear mother.
Yesus Sahabatku
Monday, June 28, 2010
Musim dingin
Musim dingin ini membuat aku berpikir beberapa kali untuk keluar rumah dan melakukan aktivitas luar.
Mudah-mudahan kali ini, aku tidak akan terkena cold sore.
Oh musim dingin, aku tidak bisa menghindarimu tapi harus menghadapimu. Tapi tolonglah sedikit berbelas kasih sehingga kau tidak perlu terlalu dingin setiap saat dalam sehari. Can you? (:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Mimpi itu lagi
Akhirnya avocadoku

Tapi sayangnya selalunya avocado yang pernah aku makan itu berserat, no matter bagaimana bentuknya, either lonjong atau bulat, though aku prefer yang lonjong, karena daging buahnya lebih banyak, I think.
Tapi penilaianku dan kebencianku pada avocado setempat sudah berubah. Mengapa? karena aku menemukan aavocado yang perfect, tidak berserat dan very very yummy. Aku tidak tahu apakah ini hanya satu dalam seribu or what, tapi aku sangat senang karena aku akhirnya bisa menikmati avocado tampa mengutuk2, he he he
Mudah-mudahan next time, aku dapat membeli avocado jenis yang sama karena aku suka avocado walaupun harganya sangat mahal di Melbourne ini. Jika dikota kelahiranku harganya hanya Rp.4000 per kg, di Melbourne ini, harganya $1-2 per buah. Can you imagine?
Well, actually, negaraku adalah negara yang kaya akan sumber alam, sayur dan buah-buahan. Aku jadi rindu makan buah dan sayur dari negaraku, selain bagus-bagus dan segar, semuanya dapat dibeli dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dari di Melbourne ini.
I wonder, maybe aku akan menanam buah dan sayur nanti untuk keperluan pribadi, andaikan aku bisa punya lahan kecil, dan kalaupun tidak ada lahan, mungkin aku bisa memanfaatkan pot dan plastik. comes to my mind now.
Friday, June 25, 2010
I miss Pope John II

It's quite comforting that I can find this picture and I can feel that I meet him again; though I never meet him before. But looking at his picture, it is as if I am meeting him. Quite strange, again!
I ever planned to make a travel to Rome to meet him. Though I knew that it was very impossible to meet him though I could reach Rome. That time I was so sure that I could meet him before he died. But it remained a dream for he was dead and mightbe I could never collected enough money to go to Rome.
What was my plan if I could meet him? nothing, I just wanted to meet him, sake his hand, and maybe ask for his bless. I just wanted to meet him. Anyway, that was what I intended long time ago.
However, the country I dream to visit is still Rome. I wish I could one day go to Rome and maybe I can still meet him though only his tomb.
I know this is quite strange and maybe not proper. But it is what I feel.
Kevin Rudd
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Australia New Prime Minister
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Perang Afganistan menyita korban
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Kiat berbelanja murah
Karena Cinta???

Friday, June 18, 2010
walau aku ingin jujur
tapi mengapa harus jujur
kalau jujur tak berarti
Tiap hari kuberkata
ada apa dengan diriku
mengapa aku benci
mengapa aku cinta
kala mentari bersinar lagi
menerpa angan dan rasa
setiap kata setiap rasa
mencari makna tak perna puna
kejujuran oh kejujuran
setiap waktu diperlukan
tapi kadang tak terkatakan
karena kondisi tak memungkinkan
(wakakakakak..... ini puisi tercipta sesaat saja saat stress melanda...big applause please)
he he he
Bingung au
The Pearl Hunter by Kim Wilkins 2008

Monday, May 3, 2010
This is a different Scott
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Quite a course!
My lecturer was very kind and clever. He was good at explaining the lecture and patient enough to listen to students' views and comments. He didn't claim students wrong instead encouraged them to freely express their thoughts. I noticed that my lecturer was well prepared and much better from my previous ones, yet this was still the first meeting and probably it was too early to judge.
Overall, during the class, I was happy and could follow the flow well.
till next time
Monday, March 1, 2010
Wanna be the biggest loser?
Finally, I watched the series and felt more to sympathetic than confused. Good for them who keenly tried to be the biggest losers, 'go on' I whispered almost to myself.
There were some couples of very fat people competed to lose fat or more appropriately to gain ideal weight. They did sacrificed many things from time, hobbies, habits, appetites, and so many other things I might couldn't imagine at the moment.
Congratulation for those who finally or could I say half the program, had lost up to 42 kg of their fat. (:
So, do you wanna be a big loser???
First day of first lecture
I could hardly understand the talk' ideas of the three workshop speakers, and I couldn't judge whether other students experienced the same as me, I kept silent. After an hour workshop, we proceeded to the lecturing room and were divided into three groups with different particular lecturers. It was obvious that the three group lectures were all about research, yet with their own very specific study. In my case, I chose the reading, interpreting and communicating research instead either t the qualitative or quantitative ones.
Time went so fast and the first confusing lecture finished earlier thirty minutes from the allocated time. It was quite benefited me because I could rush home for dinner and avoided getting home dark. Luckily, this autumn the sun really set around nine pm. The class dismissed after my lecturer, Mrs. Mary Lou gave tasks to do for the following meeting.
Though my first day lecture was not at all amazing but confusing, I could say it was because it was the starting point for more confusing lectures to come. So, I better keep myself aware and be ready for the coming lectures. I still remember filling the form my lecturer gave the class with a commitment to study more diligently and read a lot. I'd like to commit on doing that, I do hope and will really try.