Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christians teaching in classroom

Many Educational observers claim that Christians are spreading thier belief to finally convert people to Christianity through teaching English. These missionaries are sent throughout the world, to the mission lands, to give free English classes. In the classroom they teach students their ideology. They firstly come to impress students in order to get these students' trust, and afterwards, converting them to their belief is just an easy part. In the classroom, they witness as it is what their bible tells them to do. To convert as many people as possible to be Christians.

Then comes a critic that Christians must not convert people they are taught through the bible to respect others. This is the starting point of contradictory between witnessing and respecting others.

Educational observers emphasizes that having a desire to convert people is totally not compatible to respect to others. As Christians English teachers, they should not put their religious values in the teaching process and content. Yet, educational observers are aware of the teaching purpose to 'change.' But this change should not be interpreted as to change to a belief, to Christianity. This is totally unacceptable.

Seeing from a teacher's point of view, I think teaching is really 'teaching for change.' Teaching for change means by giving knowledge to students, by helping them to understand what they've never known before or doubtful about. There comes a change from not knowing to knowing, from misunderstanding to well understanding, from less knowing to much knowing. Yet, the teachers who already own their belief are surely holding to that values in every actions of their teachings. However, these teachers should teach based on what the curriculum tells them. They should teach the content of the lessons not the content of their religions. So, any teachers, despite their religions, should keep in mind to teach the lessons not their belief.

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